One or the other has probably already followed it on Facebook: we have a new app that enables embroidery in a whole new dimension:
Welcome to Silk: Cross Stitch Patterns
Here you can learn a bit about the history of Silk and our motivation for making our embroidery patterns available digitally. As so often these days, the trigger was the Corona crisis. What many have certainly not yet noticed is that in the course of the lockdown in many countries, there are significant disruptions in the international postal system, and in some cases delivery has even stopped altogether. We could no longer ship anything to the USA, northern Italy, some areas of Austria and the greater Paris area. Many countries overseas can no longer be reached by post. Nevertheless, especially in these times when everyone is sitting at home, the need for creativity and beautiful things to surround yourself with is particularly great! Many of our customers have repeatedly asked for PDFs in order to be able to be supplied at all or to save high postage costs. Since we don't send PDFs of our embroidery patterns out into the world as a matter of principle, the idea of an app that works like an e-book reader, only for embroidery instructions, came up.
And here she is: Silk
Silk actually works like an e-book reader. You choose between the individual templates in our library:
You can easily click on one of the templates - without activating it - to try out the new app with all its functions. All other embroidery instructions can be unlocked with Inner App purchases.
You can now choose between three versions of the embroidery instructions according to your needs: as a colored embroidery pattern, as a combination of color and symbols or only as a symbolic representation. I now prefer the colored embroidery pattern version:
The real highlight is that you can drag the instructions large and small while embroidering. If you embroider a detail, you certainly prefer a large representation, if you have to gain an overview, you can pull the pattern small again with a flick of the wrist. Here you can see the representation a bit larger. Of course it can be even bigger! This makes reading the templates child's play!
Of course we have also thought of other amenities. So that you never again lose sight of the row you are currently embroidering, you can switch on a vertical and a horizontal ruler with one click and move freely over the embroidery instructions:
It is also super practical that you can select the thickness of the linen with one click and the size of the embroidery and the required size of the linen are automatically displayed. In addition, there is the possibility of displaying the color list at any time in Soie d'Alger and in DMC:
All your embroidery instructions are saved under "My Patterns" in the app, you always have access to your embroidery instructions, individual sheets or entire templates that get lost are a thing of the past!
I myself was rather doubtful at the beginning whether such an app is really an improvement. After the first embroidered evening with Silk , I would now say: Never embroider differently again, never again piece together DIN-A 4 pages.
Try out the app and test it yourself. We'd be happy to receive feedback, because there's definitely still something to improve.
Die App habe ich mir vor wenigen Tagen geladen und sticke nun “Die Farben Sienas” auf einem 13” IPad. Hier kann die App ihre gesamten Vorzüge gegenüber der Papierform ausspielen. Sehe ich “nur” die Symbole schwarz auf weiß ist das Sticken etwas anstrengender für die Augen und ich habe auch schon mal bei den filigranen Mustern ein Kreuz vergessen. Schalte ich nun auf dem IPad um auf Farbe ist das Sticken viel leichter. Früher habe ich mir die Papiermuster farbig ausgemalt, das brauche ich nun nicht mehr.
Vielen Dank, ich bin restlos begeistert und für die Zukunft erhoffe ich mir das ihr noch viele Muster in der App zur Verfügung stellt.
Liebe Grüße
Das ist sehr schade, dass es diese App wahrscheinlich nie für Android geben wird. Dabei wäre ich sogar bereit, für die App zu zahlen.
Die Entwicklung einer App ist sehr zeitaufwändig und teuer, daher bleibt es vorerst einmal bei einer App für die Apple-Geräte iPhone und iPad. Eine App für Android muss komplett neu entwickelt werden. Die Apps auf Apple Geräten laufen einfach viel geschmeidiger, was uns die Entscheidung mit einer App für das iPad zu starten, erleichtert hat. In der nächsten Zeit werden neue Features und Tools hinzukommen, die das Sticken noch leichter machen!
Das klingt wirklich gut, meine Frage wäre allerdings ebenfalls, ob die app auch für Android-user bereitgestellt wird?
Liebe Grüße
Guten Tag, ich “arbeite” auch mit Android und wünsche mir sehr, dass es diese geniale App auch für Android gibt. LG Roswitha
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